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The Isabela State University, College of Nursing was established by the BOR no. 40 in the year
2009. The College received its Government Recognition (GR no.2 s.2010) on February 5, 2010 and a
Certificate of Program Compliance (COPC No.009 s.2014) last August 4, 2014 at Tuguegarao City. During
that time, the College implemented entoto the CMO 14 s.2009. Upon the establishment of K-12 in the
secondary education, the Commission on Higher education released COM 15 s.2017 ordering all Private
Institutions and SUCs offering BS Nursing to implement the said CMO. In compliance to the order, the
College of Nursing at ISU Echague adapted the CMO with a few modifications in coding of subjects with
an inclusion of some enhancement subjects, included in the BOR Resolution No. 89 s. 2018. these
subjects are the following
Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
Entrepreneural Management
Creative and Critical Thinking.
These courses are included in every degree offered in ISU Echague to prepare its students
with the changes in the society as the university perceived.
S.1. The Curriculum provides for the development of the following professional competencies
S.1.1. Acquisition of Knowledge and Theories based on the field of Specialization
The Curriculum provides subjects for the development and Acquisition of Knowledge based
on theories based on the Field of Specialization. The following subjects are offered:
Subject Field of Specialization
Theoretical Foundation of This course deals with nursing theories as.
Nursing Applied to nursing practice on the aspect of the
metaparadigm: person, health, environment and
nursing. Likewise, it includes others theories
relevant to nursing. The learners are expected to
use this theory as basis and guide in nursing
Health Education this subject deals with the strategies on
performing health education for the individual,
family and community
Anatomy and Physiology This course deals with the normal human
anatomic and physiologic concepts and principles