Page 8 - PPP
P. 8
Subject Field of Specialization
Care of Clients with Problems This concepts deals with principles, theories and
in Oxygenation, Fluid and techniques of nursing care management of at risk and
Electrolytes, Infectious, sick adults clients in any setting with alterations/
problems in oxygenation, fluid and electrolytes,
Inflammatory and
infectious, inflammatory and immunologic response,
Immunologic Response,
cellular aberrations, acute and chronic. The learners
Cellular Aberrations, Acute
are expected to provide nursing care to at risk adult
and Chronic clients utilizing the nursing process.
Nursing Research 2 Course description: This is an introductory course
intended to equip the nursing students with concepts,
principles in research starting from an overview of the
major phases of the research process. The course will
include discussions from formulation to dissemination
of research finding, focus on the formulation of
research problem to the selection of research design,
planning and choosing the appropriate research tools
for data gathering. The course will require the group
of students to present a research
Care of Clients with Problems This concepts deals with principles, theories and
in Nutrition, and techniques of nursing care management of at risk and
Gastrointestinal, Metabolism sick adults clients in any setting with
alterations/problems in nutrition and gastrointestinal,
and Endocrine, Perception
metabolism and endocrine, perception and
and Coordination, Acute and
coordination, acute and chronic toward health
promotion, disease prevention, restoration and
maintenance, and rehabilitation.The learners are
expected to provide safe appropriate and holistic
nursing care to at-risk adult clients utilizing the nursing
Care of Clients with the course is designed to focus on health and illness
Maladaptive Patterns of across the lifespan of clients, population groups with
Behavior, Acute and Chronic acute and chronic psychosocial difficulties psychiatric