Page 9 - PPP
P. 9
Subject Field of Specialization
Nursing Care of Clients with This course deals with concepts, principles, theories
Life Threatening and techniques in of nursing care of sick adult clients
with life-threatening conditions,acutely ill/multiple
Conditions, Acutely
organ problems, high acuity and emergency situation
Ill/Multiorgan problems, toward health promotion,disease-
High Acuity and Emergency prevention,restoration and maintenance, and
Situation, Acute and rehabilitation. The learners are expected to provide
Chronic safe, appropriate and holistic nursing care to group of
clients with mhealth problems and special needs
utilizing the nursing process.
Nursing Leadership and This is an introductory course intended to equip the
Management nursing students with concepts, principles in research
starting from an overview of the major phases of the
research process. The course will include discussions
from formulation to dissemination of research finding,
focus on the formulation of research problem to the
selection of research design, planning and choosing
the appropriate research tools for data gathering. The
course will require the group of students to present a
research proposal in a colloquium with the application
of knowledge and demonstration of skills and attitude
in the conceptual, design, and planning phases of the
research process.
Care of Older Adult This course deals with concepts, principles, theories
and techniques in the care of older adults. The
learners are expected to perform holistic nursing care
of the older persons in wellness and chronic illness
utilizing the nursing process.
Disaster Nursing This course deals with the principles and techniques
of nursing care management of clients during disaster
related to major health emergencies and disasters,
including infectious disease outbreaks, natural
disasters as well as bilogical, chemical and radiologic
events and nursing principles are presented within the
framework of critical thinking and caring.