Page 5 - PPP
P. 5
Subject Field of Specialization
Fundamentals of Nursing This course deals with concepts, principles, theories
and techniques basic to nursing as a profession,
science and art. It emphasizes on the concept of man
as a holistic being and the professional roles of the
nurse in health care setting. The learners are expected
to utilize the nursing process and the basic nursing
skills as a primary tool in health promotion, disease
prevention, restoration and maintenance, and
Health Assessment This course deals with concepts, principles and
techniques of history taking, head to toe physical
examination and psychosocial assessment using
various tools and interpretation of laboratory findings
to arrive at a nursing diagnosis. The learners are
expected to perform holistic nursing assessment of an
individual adult client.
Community Health Nursing 1 This course deals with concepts, principles and
techniques in the provision of basic care in terms of
health promotion, disease prevention, restoration and
maintenance and rehabilitation at the individual and
family level. It includes the study of the Philippine
Health Care Delivery System, national health situation
and the global context of public health. The learners
are expected to provide safe, appropriate and holistic
nursing care to individual and family as clients in
community setting utilizing the nursing process.
Nutrition and Diet Therapy This course deals with Diet and Nutritional
modifications to help the patient heal or recover from
their illness.