Page 22 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 22
Common Nouns, Proper Nouns & Verbs
★ All “Nouns” name something.
★ A “Proper Noun” starts with a capital letter, while with
“Common Nouns” a capital letter is used only at the
beginning of a sentence.
★ A verb is a word used to describe an action or a state.
Categorize the following words under:
“Common Nouns”, “Proper Nouns” or “Verbs”.
Remember to start the proper nouns with a capital letter.
sleeping - cairo - apple - write - nozha - boy - jump - ahmed - city
- aswan - talking - friend - october - read - sunday - school -
sitting - grandpa - run - mona - book
Common Nouns Proper Nouns Verbs
English – First Term
– Unit One