Page 23 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 23
Present Continuous
★ When an action is happening now, write the verb in the
present continuous tense, by using a form of the helping
verb “be” – (am, is, are) and adding ing to the verb.
★ When a verb ends in “e”, drop the “e” and add “ing”.
Examples: have - having / make - making
★ When a verb ends in “y”, add “ing”.
Examples: study - studying / hurry - hurrying
★ Short verbs ending in a vowel:
When one syllable verbs end in “e” or another vowel,
just add “ing”.
★ Examples: see - seeing / be - being
★ Short verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant:
When one syllable verbs end in a vowel and the letters “g,
m, n, or t”, double the consonant and add ing.
★ Examples: dig - digging / run - running
sit - sitting / swim - swimming
Second Primary – Ismailia Road Branch