Page 98 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 98

Unit (6) – Phonics

                                  Floss Letters “ff, ll, ss”

                                             Read the following words.
                   Then, use each one of them to form a sentence or a question.

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  off

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  cliff

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  huff

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  coffee

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  yell

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  cell

                    ▪  well                ▪  ………………………………………………...

                    ▪  smell
                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...

                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...
                    ▪  grass

                    ▪  glass               ▪  ………………………………………………...

                    ▪  press
                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...

                    ▪  guess
                                           ▪  ………………………………………………...

                                                                                                           1 .
                                                                 English – First Term
                                                                                       – Unit Six
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