Page 99 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 99
Unit (6) – Phonics
Soft “Gg” & Hard “Gg”
“Gg” sometimes makes a soft sound like in “gym”.
Other times it makes a hard sound like in “grass”.
Adam has a large pet in his garage. His name is Ginger.
One time, Adam invited his friend Roger over to play. Roger
thought Ginger was hungry. So, he went to the fridge to find
food for Ginger. Roger found an orange which he tried to feed
Ginger. Adam saw Roger feeding his pet and said, “Roger you
have made a giant mistake! You are a guest in my house.
Please don’t feed my pet food without asking me first.” Roger
replied, “Adam, I am sorry but please don’t be angry with me.
I just thought Ginger was hungry. I promise to ask your
permission first next time.” Adam calmed down and said, “I
appreciate that Roger. Let’s go do something else and get out
of the garage.” “Great idea! Do you want to go to the garden
and play soccer or do you want to go to the zoo to see the
giraffes?” “Giraffes sound awesome,” Adam answered ☺
Circle all the soft & hard “ G g” words. Then, write them down.
Soft “Gg” Hard “Gg”
Second Primary – Ismailia Road Branch