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2.8.3 Web Application Frameworks
A web framework is used to simplify the process of developing and deploying
web applications.
i. Flask
Flask is a well-known Python web framework that is used to create
web applications. It is an excellent fit for the project because of its
simplicity, versatility, and smooth integration with Python. Flask
offers a simple and intuitive approach to web application
development as a light and basic web framework. It is suitable for
projects of all sizes and complexity levels because of its simplicity,
which enables rapid setup and simple development. Due to the
framework's adaptability, certain components, such as database
libraries and templating engines, may be chosen and integrated to
meet the needs of the project. Additionally, Flask connects with
Python without difficulty, taking use of the robust environment and
tools that the Python community provides. Flask offers a strong basis
for creating RESTful APIs and web services thanks to its flexible
structure and powerful routing qualities. Overall, the utilisation of
Flask makes it easier to create web-based applications swiftly,
providing the essential simplicity and flexibility for the project's
distinctive requirements.
2.8.4 Datasets for Prediction
The creation and assessment of machine learning models across a range of
disciplines depend heavily on the availability of high-quality datasets. A
dataset that includes important traits and factors is necessary for developing
precise predictive models in the context of stroke prediction. The
"Fedesoriano's Stroke Prediction Dataset" is one such dataset that has
generated interest in the machine learning field. It is available on Kaggle.
This project can study and create predictive models for stroke risk assessment