Page 100 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 100

Value Identification Exercise

        Values are the reasons that determine why we want the things we do. Reasons are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. The more reasons we can identify for
        wanting something, the more likely we will ultimately achieve it.
        The stages of this process will be as follows :-

            1.  To select the ten values that are most important to YOU in life
            2.  To compare the values against each other to prioritise them in order of importance
            3.  To elicit your core values in each of the roles and key areas of your life.

        By identifying your core values for certain, you will undoubtedly clarify your areas of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in life, in the degree to which your life
        is being lived in accordance with or in contravention of your innermost values.

        Listed below are some examples of values that are important. You may have others you will want to include or substitute for these.

                               Acceptance     Compassion       Enthusiasm   Honesty      Marriage        Practicality   Sincerity
                               Accomplishment Competence       Excellence   Hope         Maturity        Precision      Sociability
                               Adaptability   Confidence       Excitement   Humour       Modesty         Professionalism Special ness
                               Adventure      Conscientiousness Fairness    Imagination  Money           Progress       Strength
                               Affection      Consideration    Faith        Impartiality  Nurturing      Prosperity     Success
                               Ambition       Courage          Fitness      Independence Optimism        Punctuality    Sympathy/empathy
                               Assertiveness  Creativity       Flexibility  Innovation   Organisation    Purposefulness  Tact
                               Authenticity   Dependability    Forgiveness  Integrity    Passion         Quality        Talent
                               Balanced life  Determination    Freedom      Intimacy     Patience        Resourcefulness Thoughtfulness
                               Beauty         Diligence        Friendship   Joy          Peace           Respect        Tolerance
                               Boldness       Discipline       Fulfilment   Kindness     Perseverance    Responsibility  Trust
                               Broad minded   Education        Generosity   Knowledge    Personal Growth Security       Understanding
                               Calmness       Effectiveness    Gentleness   Leadership   Playfulness     Self Control   Value
                               Career         Encouragement    Good attitude Learning    Politeness      Serenity       Wisdom
                               Children       Energy           Happiness    Love         Possessiveness Sensitivity
                               Clarity        Enjoyment        Health       Loyalty      Power           Significance
        Stage 1
        The list is provided more as a prompt than anything else and is not exhaustive. If you know with absolute certainty, your ten core governing values, write them
        down. If you know a few, look at the values on the list to see which ones are different from the ones you have identified and strike a real chord with you.
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