Page 102 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 102

Imagine you are standing on a train platform waiting for your train to “Happyville”. You have two suitcases that are labelled with the names of your values.
        At the last minute you are told by the porter that only one suitcase per person is allowed on the train, no exceptions. Each time, you have to choose one of the
        cases to take and the one to leave behind.

        Is 1 “Love” more important to you than 2 “Honesty”? If it is, put a circle around number 1, if it is not put a circle around number 2.

        Is 1 “Love” more important to you than 3 “Fairness”? If it is, put a circle around number 1, if it is not put a circle around number 3.

        Having compared your item number 1, in this example love, with all the other values, and circled your choices, move down to the next item, number 2, in this
        example Honesty. Honesty has already been compared and rated against love in the line above, so now we proceed across the boxes, comparing your number
        2 choice (this example honesty) and rating it against all of the other choices and circling the choice of value you want to take with you on your journey.

        By the time you get to the 10  value, this will have already been compared against the previous 9, hence the blank boxes. Counting up the circles for each
        value, and entering the count in the bottom left hand box, as they appear in italics in the example given. From this example we can see that the prioritised
        order of values are as follows :-

         1   Freedom 9     2 Authenticity 7  3 Love 6          4 Forgiveness 6    5 Honesty 5
         6 Peace 4         7 Fun 4           8 Fairness 2      9 Well Being 1     10  Security 1

        You have now arrived at your top ten list of core values, prioritised in the order that mean most to you. It is these values that should be congruent with any
        goals you set in the future. Goals that are not aligned with your core values may create an uncomfortable sense of anxiety. Consciously or otherwise you will
        be aware that you are pursuing a goal that is not in line with the values that mean most to you.

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