Page 160 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 160

1 – The Power Of Your Brain

        As our happiness is so intrinsically linked to the thoughts that occupy our mind, it is useful to discover, in simple terms, how thoughts work, how they are
        processed within our brain and how we can control their use to our advantage in our mind.

        For many years I have been fascinated (at a lay mans level), with the workings of the brain, how our thoughts are processed and how the quality of our thoughts
        impact on key areas within the brain that affect our emotions, behaviours, physical, mental and spiritual states.

        I have tried to reproduce here,  a simple understanding of how the key elements inter-relate. I am immensely grateful to Steven Holland of in the USA for his kind permission to use his wonderful graphic images and the content of his website, which contained by far the best
        information on the workings of the brain, in a language even I could understand.

        As the chapter title suggests, this section will cover the simplified workings of the brain and the process of thought.

        You have three brains

        It may come as a surprise to you to learn that you have three brains, each one having evolved after the other.

        At the base of your skull is what we will call the “Primitive” brain. It is the part of your brain that keeps you breathing and your heart beating. It controls some
        of your more basic reactions, like whether to fight or take flight in the face of danger and controls your sense of territory, explaining the discomfort you may
        experience when someone invades the personal space of your comfort zone.

        Next to evolve was your “Middle” brain, possessed by mammals. Recent research has shown how important this brain is to learning. The middle brain controls
        your hormones, your immune system, your sexuality, your emotions and an important part of your long term memory.  It is no co-incidence that your emotions
        and long term memory are controlled from the same middle brain.

        When something involves strong emotions, it is usually well remembered. Can you remember your first kiss with that someone special, or where you were
        when you heard that someone significant had died? It also reinforces the fact that enjoyment and fun are important parts of learning, involving as they do, so
        many positive emotions.

        To try and picture the “three brain” image, make a fist with your left hand. Now wrap your right hand over the top of this fist. Your left wrist represents your
        primitive brain, your left fist is your middle brain and your right hand wrapped over it is your “New” third brain.
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