Page 163 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 163

Think of someone you love deeply. Your warm and loving thoughts are created in the cell body and then pass outward along a dendrite, connecting with other
        dendrites. As the electrical “charge” of your thought reaches the dendrite of an adjoining cell, a “spark” is created in the brain called a synapse. The journey of
        thought can be followed in the diagram above. The more associated thoughts you have, the more adjoining cells are energised by that thought.

        Journey of thought and the perception cycle

                Your thoughts of happiness are wonderfully powerful electrical signals, that create so many more associated powerful thoughts. It doesn’t take an
                Einstein to see, that with conscious effort, negative thoughts can be replaced with happier, more positive ones,  that will keep firing off, cell to cell.
                Remember the “Perception Cycle?”. By replacing those erroneous, out-of-date or simply wrong beliefs, with constructive, positive and happier ones,
        we set off a chain of events, started by your new perceptions. Your perception becomes a conscious positive thought travelling along dendrites in the brain,
        connecting to cells in your “middle brain”, where happy emotions and feelings are created. Firing wildly now, your thoughts have become emotionally charged,
        sending action thoughts to your “new brain”. The emotionally charged feelings inspire you to take warm loving action that inspires happier, loving responses.
        And it all started with a thought.

                                                              A closer view illustrating the journey of a thought.
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