Page 167 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 167

(1) The Cortex is a layer about the thickness of an orange peel, and is the
                                                                                    actual area where most "thinking" takes place. The cortex has many
                                                                                    specialized patches. It can be also thought of as the "unconscious mind"
                                                                                    because most patches of the cortex work automatically. For example, your
                                                                                    sensory areas work 24 hours a day, monitoring incoming sounds and skin
                                                                                    signals (your vision areas don't get signals at night, so use dreams to keep

                                                                                    (2) Association fibres carry information from one patch of the cortex to
                                                                                    another. The vision patch (A) will process what comes from the eye to see
                                                                                    lines and shapes, then pass it on to patch (B) which determines distance and
                                                                                    motion, and thence to patch (C) which is designed to recognize objects.

                                                                                    (3) The Thalamus is the master control centre of the brain. It acts a Chief
                                                                                    Executive Officer or CEO of the brain, monitoring all senses and actions.

                                                                                    (4) The Limbic System is important to memory. For example, it can add
                                                                                    "emotional tags" of "danger" to memories of snakes.

                                                                                    (5) The Hypothalamus is the master centre for emotions and instincts, such
                                                                                    as fear, hunger, thirst, pleasure, love and anger, and it also regulates body

        (6) The Pituitary Gland translates nerve signals into chemical signals. Fear emotions in the hypothalamus can trigger the pituitary gland to produce
        hormones to prepare the body for "fight or flight."

        (7) The Brain Stem is a complex network of wiring for sensory and muscle nerves. It automatically controls eye movement, breathing, etc.

        (8) The Basal Ganglia is a network of nerve connections around the thalamus. It is like a gateway with a guard. The "yes" area of your frontal lobe may
        want you to grab the pizza off your friend's plate, while the "no" area tries to inhibit the action. The thalamus "conscious centre" or "will power" responds to
        whichever signal is stronger and controls the muscle signals via the basal ganglia, a "go / stop" effect. During Parkinson's Disease, this area doesn't work
        properly, resulting in go/stop shaking

        (9) The Cerebellum controls body balance, muscle coordination, and fast muscle movements. If it is not working well, then you may be awkward and clumsy     Page167
        in sports, and type slowly with lots of mistakes.
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