Page 162 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 162

This explains the human tendency to keep having the same negative and positive thoughts over and over again. The thoughts of your thinking mind flow down
        the pathways of least resistance, the biggest dendrites, operating like motorways.  It becomes clear then, that because 70% of our thoughts are negative through
        conditioning, we could create through these “motorways”, easy routes where negative thoughts can fly around the brain and influence the way we behave.
        A research experiment was conducted many years ago on the brain of Albert Einstein, perhaps the most gifted thinker the human race has ever known. After
        his death, examination of his brain revealed that it was no larger than the average brain and did not contain any unique features that are not present in your
        brain or mine. What was discovered was that his brain showed significantly more electrical dendrite activity than normal.

        When a thought passes along a dendrite, it leaves an impression mark, similar to a scorch mark. The degree of scorching indicates the degree of brain activity
        in life.

        When we consider this, we realise that we really can change the outcomes of our lives by replacing the negative thoughts and limiting self beliefs with more
        positive alternatives.

        Simply then :-

            •  As each separate thought travels down its own dendrite, then positive dendrites can be encouraged to thicken.
            •  Eliminating negative thoughts allows the negative dendrite to wither from misuse.
            •  So the result can be that it becomes easier and easier to live life with a positive outlook once these initial changes have been achieved.

        What better incentive to cleaning up our self talk, our inner critical voices, allowing no room for limiting beliefs and maximising our likelihood of achieving,
        through our thoughts, beliefs and behaviour the happy and fulfilled life we are all seeking.

                We become what we think about most of the time. We are what we think.

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