Page 161 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 161

Your third brain is quite remarkable. This brain is what is known as grey matter and has all the capacity you will ever need to learn and remember anything
        you want.

                    To get your brain capacity into perspective, consider this. As it grows in the womb, a 12 week human embryo develops 2000 brain cells a second.
                    An adult bee – which can do some pretty sophisticated stuff, like building a honeycomb, calculate distance and direction to signal the location of
                    pollen to its companions – has a total of 7000 brain cells. That’s the number of brain cells a human embryo grows in about 3 seconds !

                Indeed, the incredible capacity of the human brain has only recently been realised. You have about 100 billion brain cells, a number almost impossible
                to visualise. It is twenty times the entire population of the world.

        Every thought leaves a trace

                Research supports the view that what we believe in the form of a thought, has a physical impact upon our brain. A brain cell looks a little bit like a
                small octopus, as in the diagram. The cell is in the centre, with tiny threads that branch out. Each time something reaches one of your senses (sight,
                sound, touch, smell) it creates a a thought or impression that travels out from a brain cell along one of the little branch like threads, called “dendrites”
        (from the Greek, meaning branch).

        Each thought we have contains electrical energy that creates a physical pathway along a dendrite, very much like the groove on the old long playing vinyl
        records. The record player needle is like the thought, the groove is like the dendrite or pathway. Once a new pathway or dendrite is created by a new thought,
        whenever that thought is brought to mind, it will always use the same dendrite. If a thought (or belief) is repeated over and over, the pathway is well used, the
        dendrite becomes enlarged. If unused, the dendrite withers.

                                                                Cell Body                    Dendrites

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