Page 247 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 247

Think about your future possibilities and the fact that your potential is virtually unlimited. You can do what you want to do and go where you want to go.
        You can be the person you want to be. You can set large and small goals and make plans and move step-by-step, progressively toward their realization. There
        are no obstacles to what you can accomplish except the obstacles that you create in your mind.

        Accepting does not mean allowing yourself to be abused, or the abuser. The acceptance I am speaking of is stepping back for one moment, and watching your
        emotional reaction to any situation where you feel resistance. Once you stop, and look at yourself as if you were on a movie screen and say: “Look at how I
        am reacting. Look at what I’m feeling because of this situation. The moment you can catch yourself and “become the watcher”, you immediately disengage
        yourself from the emotional drama of the situation. Then, you can accept it just for what it is. As soon as you accept it, you are no longer in pain.

        Your suffering has been transformed into freedom from suffering. You can then look at the situation with some measure of objectivity, and if you can’t laugh
        at it, you can at least come to peace with it.

        Going back to an analogy to nature, suppose you have a small rose bush in your garden. You WANT it to bloom, and give you one hundred perfect roses. It
        blooms, and gives you two instead.

        Do you stomp, scream, and rip the rose bush out of the ground by its roots? No. You accept that this is what you received. Perhaps it wasn’t yet ready this
        season to bloom, as you want it to. Perhaps it will never bloom. It has nothing to do with YOU!

        It is the same with people. The way they are, is simply the way they are. Circumstances are the way they are. It is in this moment that you can make a decision
        based on awareness, stemming from acceptance, as to a course of action or inaction that will serve your best interest.

                You cannot make a beneficial decision based on awareness when you are caught in the drama of resisting what is, now. However, once you accept
                what is, now, you are then free to face whatever it is you are seeking, or avoiding.

        Accepting Yourself No Matter What

        I struggled with unconditional self acceptance for many years, and now that I’ve found out “how” to fully accept myself, unconditionally, I wanted to pass this
        information on to you so that you can know exactly how to go about it, and feel the self love that you deserve.

        First and foremost, the old luxury of negative self talk, self condemnation, put downs, and self degradation must cease, permanently. That means that you are
        no longer allowed to cut yourself down. If you notice something about yourself that you would like to improve, that is perfectly fine. However, this area does
        not mean your core self and entire being are worthless.

        If you were knocked in your earlier years, or if you are being knocked today by others, please know in no uncertain terms that the perceptions of others have   Page247
        absolutely nothing to do with you.
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