Page 249 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 249

I gave myself permission to be good enough, just as I am, the self judgment stopped, and so did the inner feelings of inadequacy. There are many people that
        have it all on the outside, and still feel inadequate deep down within. I was no exception.

        However, once you really turn that around, and fully accept yourself, even with your so-called flaws, then you can begin a journey that is filled with love, and
        joy, rather than disharmony within.

        No matter what you think will make you more worthy, find an example of someone else that has that exact condition that you do not judge. Then, stop judging
        yourself completely.

                You can only feel the joy of life when your mind is free from self imposed limitations and negative judgment. Be an example of your radiant self that
                does lie within, by being and sharing you greatest inner qualities, and bring those out. Focus on all of the good that you are, so that you will always
                feel good enough and accept yourself no matter what.

        Healthy alternatives to irrational thinking about unconditional love and acceptance

        Irrational: You should always obey rules, accept limits, meet another's expectations and conditions before you can expect that other to accept and  love you.
        Healthy: Following rules, accepting limits, and meeting expectations and conditions are often necessary for survival in this world but are not necessary
        conditions to be accepted and loved by others.
        Irrational: Parents should require their children to obey their rules, accepting limits set, and meet up to the expectations and conditions set for them before
        the parents show acceptance and love for the children.
        Healthy: Parents first need to accept and love the child because the child exists. Only once the child feels this acceptance and love will the child more likely
        obey the rules, accept limits, and meet the expectations in a healthy way.
        Irrational: Using unconditional acceptance and love to get others "to do'' for you is manipulating others to benefit yourself. It is a destructive behaviour.
        Healthy:  If you want people to do things for you, all you need to do is to offer them unconditional acceptance and love.
        Irrational: There is no such thing as unconditional acceptance and love. There are always strings attached somewhere.
        Healthy:  It is possible to accept and love a person unconditionally with no ulterior motive.
        Irrational: You must be perfect in everything you do or others will not accept or love you.
        Healthy:  You are a human being subject to failings, and mistakes. You deserve to be accepted and loved not because you are you.
        Irrational: It is impossible to accept and love another and at the same time be emotionally detached.
        Healthy:  By being emotionally detached you do not automatically cease your acceptance, care and love of another. It only means that you are separating
        yourself from the destructive elements of the relationship so as not to get hurt.
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