Page 254 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 254

Intuition can tell us which situations are to be changed, and which situations are to be accepted as they are. Our intuition can then tell us how to change things,
        or how to accept the things that cannot be changed.

        If we believe that we are an honest person, our potential contains our capacity for dishonesty. As we discover the traits of our potential, we discover traits that
        we have repressed or denied. When we learn to accept the traits in our potential, we can still leave them there so that we can continue to think of ourselves as
        an honest person, but now we are aware of the traits of dishonesty in our potential. Once we are aware we can consciously decide not to use or project them.

        We can accept our past. Some people say, "If I had to live my life again, I'd do it the same". This is retrospective self acceptance, a realization that their life
        unfolded in the way in which it needed to unfold, despite any complaints that they had along the way. If we adopt this perspective now, rather than waiting for
        the wisdom of age, we accept our problems as part of our education and maturation. Problems come to our attention because they reveal something within us
        that needs to be recognized, understood, and then properly administered. To accept whatever we are at this moment is to trust this process.

        Self acceptance and self esteem are two separate functions. We can still accept ourselves while still trying to do better to meet our values.

        Self acceptance has no standards or values, and it needs no justification. We can have self acceptance no matter what we do.

        We justify our self esteem by affirming that our behaviour corresponds to our values.

        We can explore our projections and the repressions from which the projections arise. The traits that we do not accept in other people are the traits that we do
        not accept in ourselves. If we feel anger toward our rowdy neighbours, part of that anger can be our envy of their wildness if we have not accepted the wild
        streak in ourselves.

        We acknowledge that the world exists as it is, despite our preferences to the contrary. If we feel that life has purposes and meanings and values that are greater
        than those that we can comprehend and which are all for our ultimate benefit, we trust the process. If we do this we relinquish the stress causing notion that we
        are somehow responsible for the universe. Therefore we do not become opinionated and judgmental.

                                                                     The Serenity Prayer

        God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference, living one day at a time,
        enjoying one moment at a time, accepting hardship as a pathway to peace. Taking this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that You will make
        all things right if I surrender to your will, so that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next. AMEN
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