Page 255 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 255

“Of all the judgements we pass in life none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. The most empowering thoughts you can have are those of
        peace, joy, love, acceptance and willingness. Powerful, joyful, loving thoughts stem from your willingness to allow the world to be as it is and acceptance
        of that. Your feelings are your feelings, accept them don’t deny them.  -  The Six Pillars of Self Worth

        Acceptance is the key to so many things, so many problems and self-made problems in our own lives.  Whether it be accepting others who are different than
        you are, or the fact of some betrayal; whether it be accepting the changing winds of fortune and fate, or of the fickle nature of love -- ACCEPT IT.  If you
        cannot change it, then why not accept it?  That is one of the keys to life's happiness - and to reducing strife with others.  Loves will come and leave; people
        will be born and die.  Terrible tragedies will befall us in our lifetimes.  THESE THINGS ARE NATURAL, AND YOU CAN DO NOTHING TO CHANGE
        THEM.  Therefore, it is up to you to learn to accept them, to help those others when you can, if you can, and to leave the rest alone.

        Acceptance can be hard to stomach sometimes, especially when it comes to accepting the harder things in our lives. I have been cheated and lied to many times
        in this life. I can accept that, and that some people are prone to that type of behaviour. Therefore, I accept them like that.  I know that they may sometimes be
        lying to me; therefore, I examine what they say more carefully. But do I like them any the less, or refuse to be friends with them because of it?  No. I merely
        accept that they have this human weakness and are prone to it; they have not changed in any other way. I may apply caution when relying on honesty and
        principled behaviour from these people, but I would not block them out of my life unless the behaviour became so chronic that it placed either of us in danger.  It
        is merely my perception of them that has changed -- and I chose to remain friends despite, and because of this thing - this acceptance of this person, warts,
        faults, and all.  And in doing so, in this acceptance of them, I have lost nothing; they have lost nothing, and we are all therefore happier and wiser for it.

        Acceptance is a key.  Use it.  And use it wisely.

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