Page 259 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 259

“Enter into the spirit of appreciation for what you can give, not to receive”

        When we learn to accept that others may not have travelled so far along their path toward happiness as we have, we can more readily accept that others may
        not be as equipped and prepared to express appreciation as we are.

        When you make the conscious decision to overturn all your childhood resistance to appreciating, and start expressing is sincerely when it is due, you will
        experience a wealth of increased happiness in your life.

        When you do so, without the expectation of appreciation in return, when it does come, you will appreciate appreciation so much more!

        When you deliberately focus on appreciating someone or something, you nurture, express support and love. As a result, they–and you–are transformed and the
        world between you is a much happier place.

        Appreciation on the surface appears to be a self-less act, when in fact it can be viewed as a selfish act, benefiting the giver. Selfishness tends to get a “bad rap”
        but in reality it is misunderstood. When you adopt an “attitude of gratitude”, the more you give, the better it feels for you, the happier you will feel because
        you are recognised as an appreciative person. It feels good folks! Everyone wins with appreciation, the giver and the receiver, it just doesn’t make sense why
        anyone shouldn’t adopt it as a personality trait until it becomes a part of your character.

        Appreciation is a Powerful Transformative Energy

        I discovered that appreciation has an extremely powerful transformative energy that changed my life from good to great, from traumatic to joyous, from
        struggling to successful. Embracing the characteristic of appreciation changed my very approach to life and living.

        Learning how to use this energy can transform your life too. This energy comes not from your usual guilt-bound appreciation, not from appreciative platitudes,
        or even from your heartfelt appreciation but from a very different type of appreciation.

        What style of appreciation can transform your life? It's appreciation that consists of two vital elements, gratitude and valuing. It is this combination of gratitude
        and valuing that gives appreciation its remarkably powerful energy.


        Gratitude fills your heart with receptive energy You feel or express gratitude after something pleasing has happened. A friend helps you out of a scrape, you
        are grateful. You notice the beauty and good things in your life and the world around you, you are grateful.                                                Page259
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