Page 263 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 263

If you have none of the things you desire, so that you are not simply trying to attract more, but are starting from scratch, its even more important to have a
        positive appreciation of the things you want. For example, just because you don’t have any money, that doesn’t prevent you from valuing and being grateful
        for money in general. So, if you think “I have no money at all, I’m worthless”, delete those thoughts immediately shift your focus quickly to affirmations such
        as, “Other people attract money, so will I” and “Money is a wonderful thing, I can feel the deliciousness of it.” The affirmations you create, consciously or
        unconsciously will help sustain your positive vibration around your desire.

        Once you value and are grateful for what you already have, it’s time to launch your desire vibrationally.

        In a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Think about all that you value in the thing that you wish to attract.
        Think about the good things it will do for you and how it will make you feel. Remember to attach emotion to your thoughts to enhance the results. Think in
        personal intimate terms that have true meaning for you.

        Using the money example, don’t think in general terms, such as “It’ll let me travel”, but be more personal and specific: “Pounds for that holiday to . . . . . . I
        want to take”. Be grateful, with all your heart, for the wonderful things your desire will bring to you. Cherish the good feelings of security or comfort, for
        example, that “more pounds” holds for you. Be grateful for these good feelings. Focus on appreciating the thing you desire with great intensity.

        Feel your appreciation in this way-alternating between valuing, cherishing, treasuring, and being grateful with all your might for three to five minutes. Let it
        be done, your vibration of appreciation has been launched, and it will seek to align with that which will fulfil your vibration. Appreciation attracts more things
        to appreciate.

        If you could keep a clear, focused vibration of appreciation as just described, there’d be no more to say, your desire would come winging back to you with
        surprising speed. However, what frequently happens is that intrusive thoughts and feelings get in the way of launching a clearly focused vibration.

        For example, there you are, appreciating away, and in creeps the “what if” syndrome: “What if this doesn’t work?” “What if nothing happens?” “What if I’m
        not doing this right?” The list is endless. These “what ifs” reflect worry, fear or doubt, and sometimes all three at once. Worry, fear and doubt do not mix well
        with appreciation. It’s hard to genuinely value and feel grateful for an experience when you are simultaneously worrying about it, fearful about it, or doubting
        it. Your vibration becomes weak and as such cannot harmonise with the thing you seek.

        If you allow worry, fear or doubt into your vibration of appreciation, you will create a self-fulfilling prophecy. You won’t be able to attract your desire to the
        degree you want, because your vibration will not be strong enough. When worry, fear or doubt crosses your mind as you’re mightily trying to launch your
        desire, simply say, “I don’t need to think about that now.” And go right back to valuing and being grateful for the thing you desire.

        You can examine those worries, fears and doubts and work through them, replacing them with positive thoughts, using the perception cycle, to support your
        appreciative intention.                                                                                                                                     Page263

        Congratulations ! You’re launching your desire! Now you’re ready to receive it. Now you’re ready to work your appreciation.
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