Page 265 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 265

Once you’ve launched your vibration of appreciation for that thing you desire, anticipate its arrival with joy and enthusiasm, and constantly look for signs of
        its coming into your life. In the example of attracting abundance, this doesn’t mean to look for £50,000 under your pillow tonight. Nor does it mean that
        someone will walk up to you with a cash gift. What it does mean is that your vibration of appreciation will begin to attract experiences, situations and people
        that align in some way or another with the thing you seek. Your job is to “work” your appreciation: to be alert to the unfolding of your desire, to take appropriate
        actions to further it, be open to the sometimes surprising vibrations you’ll attract, and to consciously choose attitudes and feelings that support your desire.

        For example, the vibration of your “cash requirement” will begin to align with experiences you have, you may overhear a conversation that gives you and idea
        about how to attract more customers or money, or you may see an advert that reminds you about something you could do to generate more cash, or you may
        be given an opportunity with a difficult but wealthy person everyone else has found too difficult to handle.

        Here’s how you start working your appreciation. Whenever something comes along that is even remotely connected with the fulfilment of your desire,
        appreciate it, value it, and be grateful. Be on the lookout for such events, and act on them.

        For instance, when you overhear a conversation that gives you an idea to generate more cash, don’t just file it under “good ideas”. Be aware that this idea may
        be a path toward your £50,000 desire. Act on it.

        When the advert reminds you of the idea to generate more cash, take action.

        And when you’re presented with that difficult wealthy individual, don’t think “just my luck, another impossible to please, never spends a penny customer”.
        Instead, appreciate the opportunity: “I might just be able to turn them around with my charm, who knows? It’s worth a try”.

        So, be alert to the infinite number of ways vibration will start aligning with your desire, once you get on track mentally. Value the ideas and opportunities that
        come your way, be grateful for them and act on them.

        Appreciation doesn’t stop once your vibration of appreciation has been launched. Appreciation is both your intention and your initial action as you vigorously
        launch your vibration of appreciation.

        Appreciating you

        The more you appreciate those you love, the more you will find to appreciate. Practice appreciating them when all is going well, so you will have a good stock
        of things to appreciate that will help you through the rough times. Appreciation is not a guarantee of there being no rough times, but it does allow us to get
        through them a little more easily, with less hurt or damage, often emerging on the other side with a stronger, richer relationship. We can all be experts at
        amplifying the negative, its only when we use that power to amplify the positive that we can turn situations around.
        It’s important to maintain a balance of appreciating ourselves and the ones we love. Value our own position, boundaries and desires, and at the same time value
        our loved one’s positions, boundaries and desires.
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