Page 262 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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Conversely, entrainment explains why when you deliberately respond to a situation with a powerfully focused energy, you will be responded to in kind, if no
resistance is met. “Like attracts like” “what goes around, comes around” and “what you give is what you get” reflects this scientific reality. We live in a universe
of vibrating energy, so whatever energy you give off, such as energy of appreciation, will support and encourage experiences of like energy.
As you proactively engage with people and events with a sense of appreciation, you entrain or attract more positive experiences, and your life becomes happier.
As you become happier, appreciating becomes easier, especially when you realise that appreciating is what brought you this happiness in the first place. The
direct and unmistakable result of appreciation is happiness. Appreciation begets more appreciation. The more it’s used, the more we find ourselves spontaneously
doing appreciating and the more opportunities seem to come our way for using it.
The energy of appreciation is a vital part of our search for happiness in life. Appreciating proactively, we can learn how to appreciate most effectively to receive
the benefits of our hearts desires.
Power of Appreciation
Start by valuing and being grateful for what you already have.
Then you launch your desire vibrationally with clarity, focus and intention, all the while replacing any negative thoughts with positive thoughts. The Perception
Cycle is a particularly useful tool for this.
Too often when we have less of something we want, we dismiss what we do have. If you think, “My bills are too high” you are expressing dissatisfaction with
your current income. You aren’t appreciating what the money you now have can do for you, instead you pay attention only to what it can’t do. Focused on lack
in this way, you become critical of your current condition, oblivious to the fact that this mode of thinking is contributing to your problem.
Such an attitude makes it difficult to attract anything different. As long as your vibration around money, for example, is critical, blaming and dissatisfied, you
will focus your energies negatively on other money problems. You cannot attract more pounds if you don’t appreciate the pounds you already have. Instead,
think, “I am grateful that my current income can pay some of my bills.” Now you are aligning with a positive vibration about money. Appreciating the pounds
you do have with enthusiasm, will most rapidly bring more pounds to you. If you have only one pound coin to your name, treasure it. If you have a fortune,
even as you want more, treasure it. Develop a sense of value and gratitude for the money you have, no matter how little or how much.
“Wait a minute” you will say. “If I am satisfied with this one pound coin, won’t I get stuck with only this one measly pound coin?” Not if you’re launching a
vibration of desire for more. Don’t confuse the vibration of the specific desire you are launching with the vibration of your general appreciation for money.
Appreciating the money you have is the foundation from which you can successfully launch appreciation for the money you desire. It is not the end of the