Page 248 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 248

If anyone knocks you, in any manner, in any way, it is not about you! It is about the other person’s perceptions. Now, if you knock yourself, somewhere along
        the line you bought into the false belief that “if only you were such and such,” you would be worthy. If only you had this or that, then you would feel whole
        and complete. Guess what? Such and such and this and that will never make you feel worthy, whole and complete. Because once you attain whatever “it” is,
        your mind would find yet another reason to feel worthy, and the vicious cycle would go on.

        It is high time you take a solid inventory of everything within you that is lovable, worthy, and genuine. Do you care about others? Are you honest? Here are a
        few more qualities that you might genuinely have within you: Generous, sympathetic, courageous, intelligent, capable, determined, trustworthy, ethical, loving,
        warm, sensitive, feisty, sense of humour, compassionate, perseverance, humanitarian and kind. You might also communicate well. Be well organized, or detail

        Every time you knock yourself, become consciously aware of it. Just catch yourself, and without judgment, replace the negative (habitual) comment with one
        that is more truthful and positive about you.

        It’s easy to destroy. It’s easy to allow all kinds of negative thought run rampant within your mind. It’s also just as easy to consciously turn the tables, and
        transform the flip side of the negative comment you have made about yourself. It only takes conscious awareness, and practice.

        It takes practice, and a lot of practice at that.

        The same is true of your view of Self. If you have created conditions before you can feel worthy, then you have placed a lie into your mind. If you are
        overweight, and put yourself down because of it, I can assure you that there are plenty of people that are quite thin that also feel unworthy, because they wish
        they weighed more!

        Nothing on the outside will ever make you feel whole and complete. You never need the validation of another person to feel worthy. The only validation you
        will ever need about your worth as a spiritual human being is your own.

        If someone compliments you, simply say Thank you. Stop yourself from saying: “Oh, no I’m not” when someone tells you something that is kind. Furthermore,
        never take a compliment or an insult too seriously, because this too has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the other person’s perceptions.

        I used to be so hard on myself. Always wanting to feel “good enough.” It has taken 20 years to find my worth from the inside out, and to stop judging or
        comparing myself to others. Each person on our planet is special. We have to learn to place ourselves on equal footing with all of humanity. So I am no better
        and no worse than a person living on the street. We are all equal.

        I used to think if I had a 28” or 30” waist that would make me more acceptable to myself. I then realised that when I got down to a 30” waist, I was no happier   Page248
        because of it.  I realised that clothing is made in all sizes, and I do not have to look like a film star or sports personality to feel more acceptable to myself. Once
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