Page 35 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 35

You attract what you believe you deserve.

        Self-acceptance and your self-worth are the key to both your happiness and unhappiness. If you can accept yourself as you are, happiness is natural and
        acceptable to you.  If, however, you allow yourself to believe you  are  “not good enough”, then you send out energy  vibrations, albeit some  of them
        subconsciously that you are not good enough for happiness. Indeed, for as long as you perpetuate this belief you will always deny yourself complete happiness,
        for fear of the guilt you will feel.

        Happiness and guilt

        The greatest obstacle to our facing the truths of what we really want, what makes us truly happy and to finally accepting the happiness intended for us, is our
        guilt, and we have plenty of it.

        Simply, guilt is the belief that you do not deserve all the happiness that activity or person will bring you. It is the belief that you are ‘not good enough’, ‘wrong’,
        ‘bad’ and ‘nothing’. This belief is learned. It is not your natural state. All thoughts of lack such as this are born in the ego, that part of you that hopes for
        happiness but ultimately has “learned to believe” that you are not really deserving of it.

        We long for happiness, but we may also believe we are too guilty to accept it. We love the idea of happiness. It feels so good. But what holds us back is our
        fear that maybe it’s selfish, wrong, inappropriate, and that it comes with a price. Out-of-date conditioning has taught us to believe that happiness demands
        compensation of some sort – in the form of suffering, labour or sacrifice. Guilt doesn’t just rear it’s head to obstruct our happiness, however. Have you noticed,
        for example, how :

                                                            “That which you desire is what you feel most guilty about!”

        This is the ego at work again! In spiritual circles, a tremendous amount of emphasis is placed on releasing our ego’s for the purpose of achieving true inner

        The ego creates guilty feelings everywhere it can, especially where happiness is to be found. The ego tries to make us feel guilty about anything and everything,
        particularly nice, pleasurable things. Take pleasure for example. Pleasure is a happiness of the body, an enjoyment of the senses. Pleasure is about beautiful
        colours, scented aromas, wonderful music, a healing touch and exotic tastes. We have also wrongly been taught to believe however, that pleasure is wicked.
        What nonsense!

        Somehow we’ve picked up the erroneous belief that ‘pleasure is so good it must be a sin’. We hear that too much pleasure can kill off our morals, destroy our
        virtues and ruin all values. All by itself apparently, pleasure can lead to laziness, selfishness, anarchy, war, damnation, the end of the world and the downfall
        of the human race!                                                                                                                                          Page35
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