Page 36 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 36

Sex is pleasure. Sex is natural, good fun and healthy. That sounds like a really great, very logical, objective and mature approach, but most of us still feel guilt-
        ridden talking about it.  Remember the childhood gems of wisdom ‘play with it and it will fall off’ and ‘Do that again and you’ll go blind’ ‘That’s dirty, don’t
        do it?’

        Examples are plenty of how, through conditioning with irrational beliefs, we have been taught to feel guilty about everything we like. Chocolate is ‘naughty
        but nice’, money is ‘the root of all evil’, peace and rest is re-written as ‘the devil making use of idle hands’, laughter ‘will end in tears’, success ‘will ruin you’.
        Until those beliefs are examined and seen for what they are, irrational and no longer serving us, guilt will remain a way of life for so many, reinforcing those
        thoughts of unworthiness.

        For as long as you accept yourself to be unworthy, you will never be able to freely accept happiness when it presents itself. Show me someone who suffers
        with guilt and I’ll wager that you’ll see someone, who may on the surface appears confident and self assured, but has suffered, or continues to suffer with a
        disguised sense of unworthiness and the associated need for approval.

        Self acceptance and true happiness are both impossible while you believe that guilt plays a valid part in your life. Whilst you continue to believe that guilt is
        valid, you will, deep down, have a subconscious belief that you do not deserve happiness.

        If you replace the phrase ‘self-acceptance and happiness’ with SELF-ACCEPTANCE IS HAPPINESS , then maybe you will start to see more clearly how
        important it is to let go of guilt. Letting go of guilt is releasing the ego.

        Letting Go Of Your Ego

        The world is littered with man-made myths, superstitions and stories that tell of our descent from heaven, falling from grace and our separation from God.

        Christianity reflects contradictions that are common to all organised religions of the world. On one hand there are Christians who believe in a loving, forgiving
        God and believe in the general goodness of mankind, that God wants unlimited happiness for each and every one of us, and then there are others who ask God
        to bless their bombs, who speak of the fear we should feel through God’s vengeance, believing in original sin i.e. that you and I are guilty.

        Guilt is not exclusive to Catholicism, contrary to what many may think, they do not have the monopoly on guilt. The Jewish faith is riddled with guilt. Hindu’s
        have their ‘karma’, Muslims are permanently atoning. Guilt is clearly non-denominational.

        From an early age, we are taught strange ideas such as :

        •  Guilt is our natural state
        •  Guilt is good for our morality                                                                                                                           Page36
        •  It is bad NOT to feel guilty
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