Page 38 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 38

Then our bosses joined in with . . . .

        “Whatever you do don’t screw this one up” …

        And then, our significant other chips in with . . .

            •  “If you loved me, you would” . . . .
            •  “I’d love you more if” . . . . .

                Guilt is learned. Anything that can be learned can be un-learned. You can let go of your conditioning right here and now if you can accept and
                adhere to a most fundamental key to happiness :-

        I am not advocating anarchy, extending criticism of organised religion, or suggesting that socially unacceptable behaviour become the norm. Far from it.
        Peaceful enjoyment of life, without socially unacceptable or criminal behaviour is an essential pre-requisite for global happiness. A correct level of social
        conscience and values that do not contravene the law of the land, are far more appropriate and positive, whereas guilt is a negative emotion that serves no
        useful purpose to anyone.

                                                “You cannot teach anyone they are guilty, if you are to be free of guilt yourself.”

        Thoughts are never given away, they are always shared. If you teach someone they should feel guilty, you simultaneously teach yourself that you should feel
        guilty too. Also, when you judge someone as being unworthy of happiness you are, in that very same instant, telling yourself you are also unworthy.

        The reverse of this principle is that every time you affirm another person’s goodness, you affirm these qualities for yourself. Either we are all free or none of
        us are. Happiness would have you commit to the idea that you are in essence, not guilty, and neither is anyone else.

                                                                     “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and
                                                                    go to the grave with their best song still in them”.
                                                          Henry David Thoreau - 1817-1862, American Essayist, Poet, Naturalist

        Happiness is an intentional choice. Choose happiness, it is your birth right.

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