Page 371 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 371

Universal Selfless Love

         The next stage is to expand our feelings of unconditional love and acceptance to a wider circle of people and eventually to all beings - including animals,
         plants and insects.

         We are focused on the temporary form being occupied by these beings; thus we feel a sense of sadness when they experience suffering or unhappiness, or if
         and when we lose them.

         Those who experience this universal selfless love often choose careers or lifestyles that allow them to serve the whole in some way. They may join service
         groups such as the Samaritans, Peace Corps or other voluntary service organisations. They feel a need to express that love through actions which improve the
         quality of life for those around them, especially for those who are suffering, lonely or unhappy.

         Their interest expands beyond the limits of themselves and their immediate family. They begin to realise that all beings are brothers and sisters in one spiritual
         family of all humanity. As their awareness grows, they perceive even animals, plants and insects as belonging to their family. They seek to express this love
         through acts of service and care.

         Spiritual Love

         A later stage in our spiritual process is the development of spiritual universal love where wisdom or spiritual discrimination is now added to our love. We now
         perceive all forms as various manifestations of one unchanging, ever blissful, divine consciousness. In this state we experience pure love in which we cannot
         distinguish between the other and ourselves.

         Although we are less affected by the suffering we see, we are even more wholly dedicated toward eliminating it. Thus, we love and accept all beings as they
         are while we direct our energies toward facilitating this process of our mutual spiritual unfolding. Each of us moves forward in their own unique way.

         Previously we may have tried to solve people’s problems for them. Now we realise that the most effective way we can others is to love and accept them as
         they are and empower them to find their own inner wisdom and strength in order to overcome their problems. It is difficult for some to realise that it is
         sometimes more loving to allow someone to suffer a little more so he or she can find the solution herself and grow strong and free from ignorance. Only an
         enlightened person can know when not to help externally because this would be the most loving act for a specific person.

         Many parents would do well to learn this form of wise “tough” love. They might help their children far more if they refrain from solving their problems every
         time they are in trouble. No one should, however, misinterpret that I am suggesting that we should not help those who are in need. We must help, but we must
         also ask ourselves what the most appropriate help would be in each situation.
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