Page 376 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 376

A relationship is an investment of time, as well as love, which, in turn, continues to grow and deepen over time. It is amazing that the better we get to know
        someone, the more we care for them and the more we love them. They even become more attractive, on all levels, because of the quality time we commit to
        our relationship with that person. As you search for love and happiness, keep in mind that everything worthwhile requires time and effort. And if love is the
        greatest of all gifts then, don’t be afraid of investing your time, energy, talents, and all that comprises the person you are into finding that person with whom
        you want to share your life.

        There are some feelings we have when infatuated that we don’t have when we’re feeling love. Some of the symptoms of infatuation are; feelings of panic,
        uncertainty, overpowering lust, feverish excitement, impatience, and/or jealously. When infatuated, we are thrilled, but not happy, wanting to trust, yet
        suspicious. There are lingering, nagging doubts about our partner and their love for us. We’re miserable when they’re away, almost like we’re not complete
        unless we’re with them. It’s a rush and it’s intense. It’s difficult to concentrate.

        Infatuation, is an obsessive compulsion to receive emotional support from another person.  Falling in love in this manner involves the irrational expectation
        that the same emotion will magically appear in the other person. If this fails to occur, the infatuated person feels hurt. Infatuation is common, especially among
        singles, and especially the inexperienced.

                Having experienced both sides of the infatuation equation I have a few words of advice for those that are "under the influence."  When you are
                infatuated, unless you are extremely wise with the ability to detach,  it is rarely clear what actions are proper and what actions are improper.  Situations
                vary, and general advice cannot be given on what to do.  If you do nothing else with your life, at the very least, try to be a happy person and avoid
        making problems for other people.

            •  Don't allow yourself to believe for even one moment that the OTHER person is also in love in the same way. If you can at least avoid deceiving yourself
                then the pain will be much less.  Do NOT blame the person you love for not being honest about what you think is their deep passion for you.  Do NOT
                blame the person you love for stringing you along. You string yourself along!  The only person that makes you love someone is you!  The safest thing
                to cultivate is a sense of self-control.

            •  LISTEN to what the other person says.  Don't double-guess another person.  Don't arrogantly think you know better than he/she does about their own
               mind. These errors will come back to haunt you.  If you  fail to listen, you will miss many clues that could spare you from humiliation and
               rejection.   Listening requires LOOKING at the other person, IN THE EYES, and watching their  face and hands.   Listening requires NOT
               DAYDREAMING, but taking in each word that is said, and the way in which it is said.  If you are not in the habit of listening CAREFULLY, now is a
               good time to start practicing!

            •  Do NOT brood over the other person.  If you find yourself thinking about him or her all the time, and the other person does not return the compliment,
               that is unhealthy.  Exercise, socialise with other friends, join a club, get involved in other activities.  Love yourself and do good things for yourself.
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