Page 390 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 390

Precious moments are created when you and your partner are totally focused on each other, loving one another in the moment with open hearts, experiencing the joy of
      the love that you share. When both hearts are open in this way, there is a connection of love between you that forges a wonderful bond. Precious moments are not just
      for the bedroom. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s the level of attention you demonstrate to what you are experiencing that defines it as a precious moment.

      When you don't share enough real moments with one another, you starve the soul of the relationship. You can spend every minute in each other's presence,
      but unless you are consciously experiencing some precious moments, you won't ever truly be together.

      Precious moments teach you to pay attention with your heart, to start being right here, right now, IN THE MOMENT. It is those real moments that will
      ultimately give depth and meaning to your relationship, and keep you feeling eternally in love.

      The Loving Look

      He sleeps next to you, has sex with you, eats with you, sometimes looks at you but doesn't
      really look into you. He sees your face, but doesn't know how you’re feeling. He sees your
      body, but doesn't see your spirit. . . . When your partner looks at you with a loving look, you
      will feel more completely loved than if he gave you any gift, more beautiful any words he
      could say . . .

      Loving Your Partner with Words

      The words you use will create either a receptive or a resistant response. The right words can
      talk to her body until it opens for you like a flower. The right words can make her feel swollen
      with desire, smile with delight and cry with happiness. You have the power to make her feel
      so safe, so understood, that all her old fears and mistrust melt away. You have the power to
      make her feel so cherished, so beautiful, that never again will she feel jealous or insecure. , . . Why wouldn’t you want to find those words?
                            The Loving Embrace

                            A simple embrace can be more intimate than the most passionate sex, and more meaningful than the most honest conversation. Whenever
                            you feel disconnected from the love you share with your partner, ask your partner to hold you. There is a world of a difference between
                            an embrace and a hug. A hug can be something you share with friends, that “hello, it’s been a while type hug” whereas a loving embrace is
                            so much more. With a loving embrace, you  can  absorb all your partners  worries and  fears, and  make them feel comforted and safe.
                            Something magical can happen to you when you are held in your lover's arms. You forget about the things that you thought mattered, and
                            remember the things that really do matter. You get out of your head and back into your heart. . . .
                            The Loving Touch

                            All too often, we can be clumsy and invasive with our touch. A good lover trains to speak the language of love with grace and           Page390
                            eloquence. Like any language, the language of touch must be learned, practiced, and mastered if you are to become fluent in it.
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