Page 51 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 51

Analysing your score :

        1-39           A score in this range suggests you are disconnected from your authentic self and are likely to be a chronic self-esteem victim. You need to be
                       asking yourself, how much of your experience in life is making you truly happy and is what you really want.

        40-59          A score in this range suggests you suffer chare wearing masks and living in denial of your authentic self, most of the time, suggesting a tendency
                       to suffer regular bouts of low self-esteem. You shouldn’t be surprised to feel confused and out of sorts about what you should be doing or what
                       is the best use of your time. You may be at a loss as to what the world and those around you expect of you most of the time. You probably feel
                       disconnected with life. A score in this area is problematic, in that you will be aware of the fact that you are not living an authentic life and
                       understand that it doesn’t have to be like this, but it is likely that you fear the responsibility of change.
        60-72          A score in this range indicates that your self-esteem becomes distorted at least some of the time. You may experience instances where you are
                       afraid to totally be yourself, because of outside influences, but you are aware of and want to express your authenticity fully.

        72-80          A person scoring in this range operates mostly in an authentic manner. You will have a clear idea of your authentic self and what you want from
                       life. In the midst of adversity, you look for the opportunities to live authentically and naturally.

        If you have answered these questions truthfully, this short test should have given you an indicator as to how much you have to do to arrive at your authentic
        ideal. The questions are good examples that bring your level of authenticity out into the open for you to examine. It may be helpful for you to read the questions
        again, and where you are dissatisfied with your score, to write out your ideal description of where you would rather be in life as opposed to where your score
        indicates you are.

        If you are in a relationship, a further useful exercise is for both of you to complete the test. Complete one for you and then another, drawn from your experience
        and knowledge of your partner. Discuss the differences in scoring for each question. He may believe with all sincerity that he is growing emotionally and
        independent by nature, whereas your observations may differ. So many relationships fail to reach this level of communication with the result that one partner
        may be living under the misconception that he is performing authentically to his best and the other may believe there is some work to do. It is the differences
        between us and how we adjust or accept them that determine the harmony in relationships.

                                           “Achievement is not the most important thing -- Authenticity is”  Source Unknown

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