Page 48 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 48

It takes so much energy to suppress your authentic self, to be what you are not, and yet so little energy to be who you really are. If your answer about the ten
        years was “Yes”, then let it be yes now.

        Once you are committed to reconnecting and reclaiming your authentic self you will feel a surge of explosive energy that will uplift you. You will even see the
        tiresome daily chores in a new light.

        Now let’s talk about you.

        Don’t you think it’s time you started enjoying the authentic life you deserve and all that goes with it? I suspect that you take care of everyone and everything
        else in your life first and almost always, you are last in line to get your needs met, if at all. The fact that you’re reading these words tells me you feel the need
        for change. You are better than the life you are living, you are capable of more than you have allowed yourself to experience up to now.

        To achieve this, you have to get back in touch with the real you with some self-analysis and diagnosis. Asking yourself some searching questions and answering
        them with absolute honesty can put you back on the right road to true authenticity and true happiness.

        Beware the “Red Lighters”

        Before we start on this exciting process, let us look at a group of people who you would have hoped would have your best interests at heart, but for reasons of
        their own, are motivated to obstruct you in your path of self discovery. These people are your loved ones, your closest friends, the people that know you best,
        even your intimate partner. These very people, who you love and cherish are those you would hope and expect to be most supportive in your mission, wanting
        only the best for you. Sadly, it is more often the case that they will oppose your search for new levels of authenticity and truth in yourself, fearing the changes
        your discoveries may bring and the possible effects it may have on their relationship with you. You will probably find, those you thought would be your greatest
        supporters, will turn out to be your toughest opponents and wish to stifle your development. They are what we will call the “red lighters”, they will see a red
        light with every change you want to make and will do everything they can to persuade you that they like you just as you are.  When we are faced with their
        reluctance, resistance, disapproval, or even anger at the prospect of what we believe will be a change for the better, it often upsets us. 'If he loves me so
        much how can he be so unhappy with my growth?'

        It is common that people will have formed a mental picture of you that they have become comfortable with. On discovery that there is more to you than
        meets the eye, they will often feel shocked or even threatened especially if what they now see doesn’t fit their picture of what they want you to be.

        Don’t expect everyone in your life to be as keen as you are to discover and live your authentic self.

                Many people will not want 'the real you' to emerge, because they were comfortable with your limitations and weaknesses, your old roles and denials,
                all of which fitted very nicely with theirs.                                                                                                        Page48
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