Page 47 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 47

The search for your authentic self goes deeper than the roles you fill in life. In our quest for self-knowledge and awareness, when we identify who we are, the
        qualities that make us the people we are, it is striking to realise that many of our previous goals and dreams are incongruent with who we have now identified
        ourselves to be. It is at this time of introspection that we can sometimes see more clearly that what we thought we needed, no longer fits who we are, and we
        don’t need the same things anymore. Perhaps we discover we are still living with choices we made ten years ago that were applicable then at 21, that no longer
        seem to fit at 31 or 41. It is in these powerful awakenings, that we feel compelled to make the outward expression of who we are to more honestly and accurately
        fit our true inner self.

                A truly happy existence involves longing to live a more authentic life, appearing to others as you really are. Your outward expression becomes a mirror
                of your inner impression of your true values and beliefs. The more authentically you can live, the more peace you will experience.

        Examine the choices you have made and make. Are they what YOU truly believe and not what others believe? Do you feel you can be your true self with
        others, particularly  those you love, rather than having to wear a mask, live in denial, or have to behave in ways that will be acceptable to others? Do you accept
        yourself as you are or hide your real self from others? Do you tell the truth when you need to, even if it causes conflict or tension? Are you settling for less
        than you know you deserve in relationships? Are you unafraid to ask for what you need and want from others?

        These are soul searching questions that reveal the answers to what will make you truly happy.

        All too often, we resist the call from our authentic self, clinging to what we have convinced ourselves are our more comfortable, familiar roles.  However
        comfortable and limited these roles might be, we are frightened that change will cause us to experience loss of something. By clinging to these roles, by
        resisting the change our authentic self yearns for, we become attached to the time and energy we have made in choices that once served us, but perhaps no
        longer do. We may have already given up so much of ourselves in commitment to relationships that fail to stimulate or satisfy our needs, in dissatisfying jobs
        or in life choices that no longer serve our best interests.

        So what is this authentic self we keep talking of? The authentic self is the total of all your unique talents, gifts, skills, qualities, interests, insight and wisdom.
        It is your strengths and values, your weaknesses and insecurities. It is the you that existed before the pain of your parents relationship impacted upon you, it is
        the you before you suffered the physical or emotional abuse from a partner or former partner. It is actually very tiring suppressing your authentic self. In fact
        we spend more energy suppressing and masking it than we would expressing and showing it.

        It is a well known proven fact in medical circles that our immune system is affected much more by stresses such as those created by suppression than we
        realise and there is no greater stress than the suppression of the authentic self. This is your life energy we are talking about here, which is being depleted and
        diverted every time you suppress the real you. It is said that for every year you live with high stress, you shorten your life expectancy by three years. If
        someone is draining your energy due to constant turmoil and conflict you lose another eight years. If you do not have a proper outlet for your passion, it costs
        you another six years. There are many other stressful factors that can affect our longevity; these are just a few of the more commonly known examples.

        Suppose you were able to extend your life by ten years plus, ten more years to experience any way you wish – would you want those extra years? I would      Page47
        hazard a guess that you would grab the opportunity with both hands!
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