Page 50 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 50

Perception Cycle Exercise

                 Your Authenticity Self Analysis

        This is a simple test designed to give you an indication of how authentically you are currently living your life. For each question, consider which of the two
        alternatives is most true for you. The brackets A and B are where you have a tendency to feel a lack of authenticity in that area. Brackets C and D are where
        you feel comfortable most or all of the time in that area.  Place an x in the set of brackets that answers the question most truthfully for you.
        Scoring : For every x in the far left column “A” give yourself 1, B=2, C=3, D=4. Add up the numbers for all 20 rows will produce a range between 20 and 80.

                  Tend to feel a lack of Authenticity                All   Most  Most     All              Tendancy towards Authenticity
                                                                     A      B      C      D
         1. I don’t feel I am being myself in most situations       (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   1. I do not allow my true self to be denied or masked
         2. I am generally uneasy about what others think of me     (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   2. I am confident within myself around others
         3. I feel lost most of the time in my life                 (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   3. I have a sense of purpose to my life
         4. I dislike myself most of the time                       (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   4. I like myself and I am pleased with who I really am
         5. I avoid internal feelings                               (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   5. I seek internal awareness and knowledge
         6. I am motivated by a need to please others and win their approval   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   6. I am motivated by my approval of myself.
         7. I am easily influenced and directed                     (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   7. I make choices based on my own self interest
         8. I lack confidence without the support of an authority figure in my life   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   8. I function effectively making my own decisions. I feel in control making decisions
         9. My self esteem hinges on what others think, I need approval desperately   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   9. My self esteem is defined internally, without need of outside approval
         10. I am over compliant with others, even when I disagree with them   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   10. I am co operative when it is appropriate
         11. If I am honest, a lot of my thoughts are not my own, but of others   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   11. I am capable of completely independent thought
         12. I have feelings of dependency and fear                 (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   12. I have feelings of self confidence and strength
         13. I play the victim. It brings me a kind of attention and love I need   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   13. I do not feel a need to look for sympathy or compliments from others
         14. I always feel I do not belong here                     (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   14. I am adaptable and feel I have a rapport with most people
         15. I have difficulty making choices or decisions without guidance   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   15. I make choices and decisions based on experience on a regular basis
         16. I resist change in myself and others. I fear change    (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   16. I embrace change as an opportunity to grow even if it involves pain
         17. I would rather someone else took responsibility for important choices   (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   17. I am in control of the major decisions and choices in my life.
         18. I worry constantly I am going to mess up               (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   18. I will not let pessimism affect my life, thoughts and actions
         19. I do not feel I am growing emotionally                 (  )   (  )    (  )   (  )   19. I am excited by the growth I am experiencing and welcome it
         20. I am living my life for, and in the shadow of other people    (  )   (  )   (  )   (  )   20. I live my own life independently, happy that it will be harmonious with others
         Sub Total each row                                                                     Total Four
   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55