Page 57 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 57

1. Certainty, Safety & Comfort

        These needs are at level 2 on the Maslow hierarchy.

                For most people, certainty in life, in our finances, careers, relationships, health, friendships and social lives is a prerequisite for happiness in those

        We all need a degree of certainty, that our houses will not be repossessed, that we can avoid the pain and gain more pleasure from our relationships, that our
        careers will sustain and fulfil us.

        The secret lies in getting the right balance in life between certainty and spontaneity. Too much certainty in any of the key areas of your life, when events
        become completely predictable, results in b-o-r-e-d-o-m.

        So whilst we strive for absolute certainty in every area of life, if we eventually get it, little wonder we feel dissatisfied. The injection of a little variety,
        spontaneous behaviour, surprise and challenge, help us to feel more fully alive and experience greater fulfilment. Likewise, too much variety or spontaneity,
        we become fearful of losing that element of certainty we all need.

        It requires a delicate balance to be achieved in the key areas of life for us to feel truly fulfilled. We need both certainty and variety for us to appreciate both.

        2. Self Worth

        This is a level 3 Maslow need, but is also affected by other level needs.

                We all have a need for high self worth, to feel significant and to experience significance in our lives. We all want to feel that we are special, that our
                lives have a real sense of unique purpose and meaning. There are real ways to achieve this, through creativity and self awareness. Others choose more
                destructive, manufactured routes, developing extreme problems related to health, confidence or self esteem to gain the caring attention of others. This
        is low self worth, not significance. There is also the significance that a person, a career, good health and finances play in your life. When any of these lose or
        diminish in significance to you, they become less important and you will seek to replace them.

        3. Love & Connection

        This comes under level 3 in the Maslow hierarchy.

                We humans all need to feel connected with ourselves and others to feel fulfilled and happy in life.
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