Page 58 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 58

One of the oldest human needs is having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night.
                                                        Margaret Mead ~ 1901-1978, American Anthropologist

        As a whole chapter of this project is devoted to Love, it is only covered briefly here.

        The love and connection we are talking of is not restricted to romantic love but extends to all human interaction. It is a kind of love to have your work
        appreciated. Love from and for your family is an obvious example. Then there is the friendship love with close friends and colleagues. There is the love of
        work of certain social, sporting or health pursuits, the love of certain activities and pastimes. The most obvious is the love of self, without which, no other form
        of true love will exist for long.

        Suffice to say at this point, that it is a basic human need to love and connect in life, both with yourself and others.

        4. Personal Growth

        A level 7 Maslow need.

                It is said that everything alive is either growing or dying. Regardless of how much money you have, how well you are appreciated by others, or what
                you have acquired, achieved or accomplished, if you do not feel that you are growing, in a relationship, career or life in general, you will feel unhappy
                and unfulfilled.

                              A man needs self-acceptance or he can't live with himself; he needs self-criticism or others can't live with him.
                                                        James A. Pike ~ 1913-1969, American Episcopal Bishop

        5. Human Contribution

        This is both a level 4,7 and 8 level Maslow need.

                So many of us in life, fall into the trap of allowing others or circumstances to direct our path in life. In doing this, we are at the mercy of those external
                factors of other people and events. Making effective contribution in our own lives and those of others is an essential prerequisite of a happy joyful,
                fulfilled life.
        Remember Abraham Lincoln : “We cannot help the poor by being one of them”

        If we do not contribute in the key areas of our life, it may be because we do not have what is needed to do so. For example, if we do not love ourselves, we
        cannot properly love another. We cannot give to others something we do not have. A happy balance of contributing to yourself and others, especially selfless,   Page58
        unconditional contribution is the ultimate secret to the joy and happiness many people seek in their lives.
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