Page 60 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 60


        Closely connected to the roles we occupy are the key areas of life that the roles fit into. Again they are different and personal to each of us, some more or less
        applicable to the individual. Here are a few of the more obvious areas of life to consider :-

        Family Life                                Friendships                  Home Life             Love Life            Leisure & Social Life
        Personal Growth & Attitude                 Health                       Career                Finances             Spiritual

        There are many other areas that consume the human existence. There may be others that occupy your life not connected with those above. As the ten above
        affect the majority of us to a greater of lesser extent, it is worth considering how each area has it’s own effect on the happiness present in your life.

        Family Life

        Most of us would agree that happiness within the family unit is important and we tend to accept that family life should contain a healthy emphasis on loving,
        caring, nurturing and supporting. For most people, family life is where major challenges are faced. Family life can be a source of major stress and you can be
        certain that any challenges faced in this area will have a knock-on effect in other areas.


        Without doubt, our human relationships with others contribute the majority of happiness and unhappiness we experience in our lives. For every happy or
        unhappy experience you will have, there will usually be another person involved, or the lack of another person or persons in a significant area of your life to
        influence the degree of happiness you enjoy.

        Home Life

        What makes a home happy is the people that are in it, the attitudes we come in the door with, and the simpler things that we can do to the space we call home
        each time we’re in it that don’t cost a thing.

        Love Life

        Overlapping with the family life section, this may apply to your spouse, partner, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, relatives, friends – in fact any person or
        circumstances where you experience love on any level. For example, recognition and acknowledgement for a job well done, or support and assistance provided,
        is in itself a form of love. Do not restrict yourself to the person you wake up next to!

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