Page 65 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 65

It consists of 10 categories or areas considered important for a whole or balanced life. Score your level of satisfaction with each area, drawing a line that
        joins   the score in each area. This gives you an immediate overview of your current "life balance". Crucially, the life wheel scoring system also allows
        you to see  right away which areas of your life might need improvement.

                                                                                Another revealing exercise is to replace the areas shown here with the 10 steps to
                                                                                happiness in Chapter 2. To remind you they are:-

                                                                                1.     PEACE OF MIND
                                                                                2.     POSITIVE PERCEPTION AND PERSPECTIVE
                                                                                3.     HIGH SELF ESTEEM & GOOD ATTITUDE
                                                                                4.     ENHANCED SELF KNOWLEDGE & AWARENESS
                                                                                5.     VIBRANT HEALTH AND ENERGY
                                                                                6.     LOVING, CONNECTION  FROM WARM RELATIONSHIPS
                                                                                7.     FINANCIAL FREEDOM
                                                                                8.     SATISFYING WORK
                                                                                9.     WORTHY GOALS & INSPIRING DREAMS
                                                                                10.    PERSONAL FULFILLMENT

                                                                                A blank Wheel Of Life is printed at the end of this section so you can use it however
                                                                                you feel is most appropriate and deserving of your attention.

                                                                                You can see from this example that if the solid line represented the current Wheel
                                                                                Of Life on which your life rotated, little wonder the ride feels so bumpy! If the line
                                                                                represents an ideal picture of happiness in each of the important areas of your life,
                                                                                for the first time, you can see visually, the gaps between where you are and where
                                                                                you would like to be.

                                                                                Not only does the wheel help you quickly assess your current levels of life balance, you
                                                                                can also use it to clarify priorities for goal-setting. You can also use it for a regular (eg.
                                                                                quarterly) life check-in and to review and assess your progress.

        So, hopefully we've given you lots of ideas! Some other ideas for life balance wheel labels include Security, Spiritual Growth, Religion, Sense of Self,
        Community, Leadership, Service or Achievement.
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