Page 68 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 68

Consider the key roles and areas of your life.

        Give yourself a score out of ten for each role and area, placing an x alongside the score and in line with the respective role or area. Then join up the crosses.

        Here are a few questions to prompt your thinking :-

            •  Do you experience the correct balance of certainty and comfort alongside variety and spontaneity in each of your roles and areas?

            •  Do your relationships and the people involved bring the correct balance to your life to result in the happiness you seek?

            •  Does your career provide a comfortable mix of certainty and variety to fulfil you ?

            •  Does a happy balance exist in each of your roles? Where is there a shortfall? Who/what causes it? Can it be remedied?

            •  Does the feeling of significance you experience from yourself and others in each area satisfy you? What part does significance and self worth play in
               each area?  Your self esteem is an important part of your inner happiness and has a major effect on all the key areas of your life.

            •  Again look at the key areas and roles of your life. Identify where the quality and quantity of love given and received, satisfies your needs or falls short.

            •  Are you experiencing personal growth in all the areas that will bring you happiness?  Are the key people that surround you in your family, love, social
               and career lives supporting or obstructing your growth and development?

            •  Is there enough contribution in your life, from yourself and others? Apply the need of contribution to your key areas and roles. How well does
               contribution fit into your life?

        Family : Whatever family life looks like for you, give yourself a score out of ten to describe the degree of happiness or harmony you currently experience. 10
        is absolutely perfect, 1 is on the verge of collapse. Consider your role and the roles of others carefully before writing it down. Make any notes you think are
        relevant regarding factors or people affecting the degree of happiness you enjoy.

        Love : How much love is present in your life? Making whatever notes you feel are appropriate and relevant, score your situation out of 10 to describe the
        degree of happiness love brings to you.

        Leisure : Ten, you are the life and soul of every party, you are loved by everyone, you are confident yet sensitive and caring to all you meet. One, surely
        not, unless you are locked away in solitary confinement in an institution somewhere!                                                                        Page68
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