Page 69 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 69

Growth and Attitude : Ask yourself: “Am I committed to learning as much as I can about myself and life, am I open to learning and stretching? Give
        yourself a score out of ten, based on the level of happiness you gain from this area of your life. How happy are you with your attitude and the role you play in
        effecting positive change in your life? Are you a ten, the eternal realistic optimist or a 1, the suicidal pessimist? Surely not, they are all in solitary confinement

        Health : Are you truly a 10?  1 is clearly seriously ill. Score yourself based on how well you fill your role within the area of your personal health.

        Career : How do you fair in the working part of your life? Are you a 10 or looking for inspiration and confidence in these pages to make that change?

        Finances : Are you completely at ease with the flow of money, a 10? or so worried about it that it is limited your very existence?

        Spiritual : Is your spirituality central to your life or are you experiencing doubt or guilt about your commitment in this area? Give yourself a mark.

        The underlying theme of this chapter is that everything you will ever need to be, have and do, whatever you want in life, including the desire for happiness, is
        to be found inside of you, not in the physical presence of another person, or in the material possessions you may acquire, such as bigger houses or nicer cars.
        Your true happiness, the only happiness that is everlasting is right there inside each and every one of you.

        Customise the Wheel and adapt it to whatever thorny problem you are having. Grab a blank coaching wheel and add the 10 biggest
        things stressing you out right now. Score out of 10 how stressful each thing is. Or, label the 10 segments with the key things that
        make you a good mom/dad/leader/friend. Again, score yourself according to how well you think you are doing in each area. Then
        derive an action plan to move forwards.

        Here are 12 Wheel of Life Questions to Help:
        1.     How do you feel about your life as you look at your Wheel?
        2.     Are there any surprises for you?
        3.     How do you currently spend time in these areas?
        4.     How would you like to spend time in these areas?
        5.     What would make that a score of 10?
        6.     What would a score of 10 look like?
        7.     Which of these categories would you most like to improve?
        8.     How could you make space for these changes in your life?
        9.     What help and support might you need from others to make changes and be more satisfied with your life?
        10.    And what change do you want to make first?
        11.    What is the smallest step you could take to get started?                                                                                             Page69
        12.    If there was one key action that would begin to bring everything into balance, what would it be?
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