Page 70 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
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12 Awesome New Ways To Use The Wheel of Life

        The "Wheel of Life" is a powerful tool - and can be used in many different ways. In fact it may just be the best and most flexible tool in your personal

        development and happiness toolbox.
        Here are some more uses for the “Wheel of Life”.

       1.  The Wheel of Stress (or Wheel of Frustration). List the top 10 areas that stress you out or frustrate you most. Score each area out of 10 as to how much it
          adds to the stress in your life. Tip: Ask yourself, which area frustrates or stresses you out the most? Are there any surprises? How could you lower your
          scores? What actions could you take?
       2.  The Wheel of Progress. When used on a regular basis The Wheel of Life is excellent to help you see how far you've come. Use it monthly or quarterly  as
          both a check-in to see how you're doing AND as a way for you to see how you've improved and grown. Improved scores demonstrate concrete value from the
          exercise and provide food for thought to help you see your learnings and progression. Tip: It's a bit like looking back over an old journal and seeing how far
          you've come!
       3.  The Wheel of Happiness, Fun or even Excitement! Do you need help to create more happiness, fun or excitement in your life? Well, identify 10 areas or
          things that are fun or make you excited or happy. There are different ways to score this - you could score how satisfied you are with each area, or how MUCH
          each area excites you, or how much you WANT to 'do' or feel drawn to each area. It depends on the labels you've used. Then decide on an action or
          commitment for each segment. Tip: Ask yourself ‘How could you bring more of each segment into your life?
       4.  Getting a Deeper Understanding. Use the wheel to drill down into each area and help understand your life and issues more deeply. So, take one of the
          segments and write out a further 10 areas that make up that segment for you. Eg. a 'Finance' wheel could include saving for a house, budgeting, focusing on
          buying needs and not wants, saving for a rainy day, paying off debts, getting a pay-rise etc. Tip: This is great homework - to identify areas to bring to  work
       5.  The Wheel of Compassion. There are few of us who couldn't do with more self-compassion. Ask for 10 areas where you could be more kind or
          compassionate with yourself. Score HOW compassionate you are currently - and identify an action for the top 3 areas that need kindness or compassion most.
       6.  Set More Meaningful Goals. The Wheel of Life is a great way to help when struggling to identify goals. Low scores point to areas where a goal could be
          identified to raise the score. And high scores suggest areas where a goal could really BOOST you and skyrocket your life. When we work on where we're
          already doing well - this spins off into other areas in our lives and lifts them too. Tip: This is great for business and career/executives - to ease clients into
          thinking about their personal lives - which we know will, of course, benefit their careers and businesses in the long run.
       7.  The Wheel of Priorities. Label your Top 10 priorities - across work, home, relationships - basically the priorities in life overall. First, identify your Top 3
          priorities. Then score the satisfaction out of 10 for all the areas. This approach can also be used to look at a specific area of life eg. career, finances or even to
          prioritise goals! Tip: What do you notice? How does the score for your Top 3 priorities compare to the lower priorities? Do you have your priorities 'straight'
          or do you need to shift your focus? What actions could you take?
       8.  The Wheel of Sales (or Wheel of Marketing). A wheel can also be used to help identify actions rather than identify and score 'areas' to work on. So, take a
          blank wheel and ask your business clients to identify sales or marketing actions to complete in the next month (or key actions to complete in the coming year).
          I recommend having a Sales Wheel AND a Marketing Wheel as although they're related they are different disciplines. Tip: You could also pre-fill some of the
          wheel for them so a Marketing Wheel might include social media, networking, advertising, workshops, a newsletter and a Sales Wheel might include clarifying   Page70
          a sales process or funnel, writing a script for complimentary sessions, calling enquiries back, creating an entry level product, reading about Sales.
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