Page 71 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 71

9.  The "Skills and Knowledge Gap" Wheel. What are the Top 10 skills and knowledge gaps that get in the way of that job, promotion or new career? Identify
          the gaps and then to score out of 10 where you are on the road to filling this gap. Finally identify action next steps for each 'gap'. Tip: It helps to clarify
          whether each 'gap' is a skill or knowledge gap. AND it's also important to do a 'sanity' check that the gap is fillable and that it's a skill you are able or WANT to
       10. General Action Planning. The visual wheel format is also great to make action planning more fun. So, using a blank wheel, write the goal or required
          outcome at the top of the page. Then write out the next 10 actions or chunks of work that make up your goal. Tip: If you put a date against each action - you
          can then use the 'pieces of pie' to record the % complete for each area! Using a wheel is also a great way to BREAK DOWN bigger actions into smaller more
          manageable chunks.
       11. The Relationships Wheel. This is a wheel ABOUT relationships. List the 10 people that most energise or drain you and then score HOW energised or drained
          they feel after spending time with them. What do you notice? Tip: What % of your time do you they currently spend with each person. For the energising
          people you could ask how you could spend MORE time with them? And for the drainers you could ask how you could spend less time - or change the way you
          spend time with them.
       12. The "Finding Love" Wheel. Our final suggestion is to help you identify what you are looking for in a relationship. Take the blank wheel and label the pieces
          of pie with the 10 essential qualities your ideal partner would have. Then score how IMPORTANT out of 10 each quality is. This will help you identify which
          qualities are MOST valuable. Tip: It's a good idea to set yourself this one as homework and think broadly about qualities that are REALLY important in a
          LIFE partner. And, depending on your preferences, a few examples to start with might include "good listener", "kind", "spiritual" to get you thinking beyond
          "tall" or "good looking".

        So, obviously you can use as many segments as you like on your wheels, you're not limited to 10 wheel segments - but it is easy to divide the wheel up this way!

        Final Tip: And whatever we've used the wheel for I like to ask this question when complete, "So, if this wheel represented your life/relationship/career/marketing
        strategy, is it a bumpy ride?"

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