Page 75 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 75

The Stages of Human Development
        One of the worlds most recognised psychologists was Erik Erikson, whose work in the field of human development is particularly relevant to the subject we
        are exploring here.

        Babies are born with some basic capabilities and distinct temperaments. But they go through dramatic changes on the way to adulthood, and while growing

        According to Erikson, each individual passes through eight developmental stages. Each stage is characterized by a different psychological "crisis", which must
        be resolved by the individual before the individual can move on to the next stage. If the person copes with a particular crisis poorly, the outcome will be more
        struggles with that issue later in life.

                     Stage                       Description                     Positive Outcome                             Negative Outcome
         Infancy                        Infants depend on others for   Develop a secure attachment with the    Infant will develop mistrust towards people and
                                        food, warmth, and affection,   parents, but will learn to trust environment   things in their environment, even towards
         Age 0 to 1                     and therefore must be able to   in general as well.                    themselves.
                                        blindly trust the parents (or
         Trust vs. Mistrust             caregivers) for providing those.
         Toddler                        Toddlers learn to walk, talk,   Child will develop the confidence needed to   If overprotective, or disapproving of the child's
                                        use toilets, and do things for   cope with future situations that require   independence, she may begin to feel ashamed or
         Age 1 to 2                     themselves. Their self-control   choice, control, and independence.    have too much doubt of her abilities.
                                        and self-confidence begin to
         Autonomy (Independence)        develop at this stage.
         vs. Doubt (or Shame)
                                        Develop motor skills and      Children learn to accept without guilt, that   If not, children may develop a sense of guilt and
                                        become more engaged in        certain things are not allowed, but at the   may come to believe that it is wrong to be
         Early Childhood                social interaction with people   same time will not feel shame when using   independent.
                                        around them.                  their imagination and engaging in make-
         Age 2 to 6                                                   believe role plays.

         Initiative vs. Guilt
         Elementary and Junior School  School is the important event   If children can discover pleasure in    If not, they will develop a sense of inferiority.
         Years                          at this stage. Children learn to   intellectual stimulation, being productive,
                                        make things, use tools, and   seeking success, they will develop a sense
         Age 6 to 12                    acquire the skills to be a    of competence.
                                        worker and a potential
         Industry vs. Inferiority       provider.                                                                                                                   Page75
         Adolescence                    This is the time when we ask   If the adolescent solves this conflict   If not, the adolescent will sink into confusion, unable
                                        the question "Who am I?"      successfully, he will come out of this stage   to make decisions and choices, especially about
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