Page 79 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 79

Questions to prompt you:-

            1.  Where are you at this moment?
            2.  How old are you and what do you look like?
            3.  Who is there with you? Who is supposed to be?
            4.  What is happening that makes this moment so influential?
            5.  What emotions or changes of emotions are you feeling now ? Loneliness? Anger? Fear? Confusion? Joy? Power? Helplessness?
            6.  How would you change the experience if this were possible?
            7.  What is your mental/physical experience? Clarity/confusion?  Happy/sad?  Joy/pain? Weak/strong?
            8.  If you could speak to someone, who? What would you say?
            9.  What are you saying to yourself?
            10. What do you need right now more than anything else?

        Having answered the questions as if you were in the moment for each incident, answer the following in writing :-

            1.  How do you feel now?
            2.  What emotions are you having now?
            3.  What are you telling yourself about these events today?
            4.  What power did you lose to this event? (if negative) What power did you gain or what did you learn (if positive)

        If you have completed this first exercise truthfully and completely, you will now be armed with the information you need to move forward.

            •  Now, list your influential events in one brief paragraph or few sentences
            •  For each, define the before and after of how the event affected you
            •  Write a few lines to define the long term effect of the event
            •  Write how and why you think the moment supported or obstructed your authentic self showing through
            •  Review and decide if your interpretation and reaction to the event was correct or not.
            •  Write down whether you should keep or discard your views regarding the impact on your self from each event
            •  Having survived your events, review them as a whole and determine what has been the effect on your self worth and confidence.

        Influential Selections and Choices

        Before starting this section of the exercise, briefly review the hierarchy of needs pyramid in the last chapter. We are all motivated by different factors to
        make choices and decisions in our lives and invariably, the choices and decisions you make, will be driven by one or more of the human needs.               Page79
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