Page 84 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 84

6 – Your Belief Systems

                                                  “Belief in yourself is a power with more magic than most can conceive
                                               Turn your darkest defeat into triumph, when you understand how to believe
                                                    Belief in yourself is much greater, than knowledge ability or skill,
                                                    And nothing is too overwhelming, if belief you would only instill.
                                                For belief is a mover of mountains, there is nothing you could not achieve,
                                                If you were simply willing to learn, how to develop your power to believe”
                                                                           Author Unknown

                  A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses, it is an idea that possesses the mind. There is a strong unconscious drive to behave consistently in
                  accordance with our beliefs. Our beliefs will stop us from trying certain things or they affect our results, and therefore our ultimate happiness, in
                  different ways.

                Whatever we believe with feeling, rightly or wrongly, positive or negative, becomes our reality. Our beliefs form a filter through which we see our
                entire world, and we naturally resist allowing information that is inconsistent with our beliefs to pass through our filter. So, even if we have beliefs that
                are totally inconsistent with reality, because we believe them to be true, they become true for us and we behave and act in a manner that is consistent
        with those beliefs.

        Try this. Whatever you do in the next five seconds – DO NOT think of PINK ELEPHANTS PLAYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . Don’t !

        I’m willing to bet that you couldn’t fight images of pink elephants from entering your thoughts!
        A daft example to illustrate how easily, beliefs can become embedded in our subconscious minds.
        Girls, how many times have you passed a magazine rack to be bombarded with images of size 8 women with flawless skin that has been digitally enhanced or
        airbrushed, yet, if you allow the images to settle in your mind long enough, you buy into the belief that this IS the perfect image of a woman?

        Beliefs are imposed upon us every day, thousands of messages and images of how we should look, how we should behave and react and think.

        The connection between values and beliefs

        Our values are our emotional states, based on life experience and inheritances from our parents, siblings, friends and teachers. They are the emotional states
        that we believe are the most important to experience (the pleasurable positive values we move towards, such as love, happiness, significance, security and   Page84
        spontaneity), or to avoid (the negative values that bring us pain such as fear, loss, sadness, doubt and boredom).
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