Page 89 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 89

Successful and happy people absolutely believe that they have the ability to succeed and the right to happiness. They will not entertain, think about or talk
        about the possibilities that they will fail. They do not even consider the possibility of failure.

                You always act in a manner consistent with your beliefs. The most important belief system you can build is one of the highest self-worth, where you
                absolutely believe that you are going to achieve your goals. Positive thinking can sometimes be no more than wishing or hoping. But positive knowing
                is when you absolutely know that no matter what, you will be happy and successful.

        Control over your thoughts is the hardest exercise in mental self-mastery that you will ever engage in. See if you can talk and think about only what you desire,
        and not talk or think about anything you don't want, for 24 hours. Then you'll see what you're really made of. It's a hard thing to do. But with practice, you can
        reach the point where  you are thinking about your goals  and desires most of the time. Then your whole life will  start to change for the better.

        Two things you can do to build a belief system consistent with the happiness you desire.

                First, continually repeat to yourself the words, pictures and thoughts consistent with your dreams and goals. Whatever you repeat often enough, over
                and over, becomes a new belief.

        Second, set a goal for yourself to think and talk only about the things that will make you happy for the next 24 hours. This will be one of the hardest things you
        ever do. But if you can keep your mind on what you want, and off what you don't want, for 24 hours, you can begin to change your entire future.

        Whatever you believe with emotion becomes your reality. You do not necessarily believe what you see, but you see what you have already decided to

        Your beliefs control your realities. You always act in a manner consistent with your innermost beliefs and convictions. In fact, you can tell what you or
        anyone else believes by simply looking at what they do. It is not what a person says, or hopes, or writes, or wishes or intends that is a clear indication of his
        beliefs; it is only his actions. Actions truly do shout louder than any words. It is only the actions that a person actually takes that tells you what he truly

        Since you act in a manner consistent with your beliefs, and you can control your actions, if you engage in actions consistent with the beliefs you want to have
        about yourself and your life, you eventually develop those beliefs, just as you develop muscles by lifting weights.

        For example, if you absolutely believe that you are destined to be happy in your chosen circumstances, and you walk, talk, act and behave every single day
        exactly the way a happy person would act, you will eventually develop the mindset of a happy individual in your circumstances. And as you progress, you
        will begin to get the results. Your belief will become the actual fact. Your beliefs will become your realities.
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