Page 92 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 92


        Constructive dreaming is useful for realisation and attraction of goals, but we all know that dreams do not become positive reality until some action is taken.
        The limiting belief here might be “I can do it tomorrow”.

        Fatalistic Attitude

        “The bubble has to burst”, “My luck won’t last forever”. The limiting belief here is a general one with a self sabotaging theme.

        Outside Influence

        “You’ll never do that” “You’re expecting too much” You’re setting yourself up for disappointment” “Don’t set you’re sights too high then you won’t get
        hurt”. The limiting belief here is to be influenced by the limited beliefs of others, however well intended.

        To identify a limiting belief a useful exercise is to ask yourself a series of questions :-

            •  “Who are you being right now?”
            •  “What is holding you back?”
            •  “If your life was perfect right now, what would you be doing?
            •  “What has brought you to this point?”

        Having identified the limiting belief, you can challenge it internally and create a better one. There will be plenty of evidence to support the new belief,
        considering it is more likely to lead to the positive outcome that the limited belief is obstructing. To overcome barriers to your progress, a systematic series
        of questions will lead to better formed outcomes. Ask yourself :-

            •  “What do I really want from this right now?” “When, where and with whom do I want this?”
            •  “What will I hear, see and feel when I achieve this?”
            •  “Am I in charge of the changes?”
            •  “Will I lose anything when I achieve this outcome?” “Is the outcome worth the effort?”
            •  “What life consequences will the outcome bring?”

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