Page 90 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 90

Two things you can do immediately to put these ideas into action.

        First, begin to believe today that you are programmed and designed to be happy and successful. Create in yourself the beliefs you most desire — the beliefs
        that serve you the best.

        Second, make a habit of walking, talking and behaving as if you were already enjoying the blissfully happy life you dream of. Your behaviour and actions will
        build your belief system and will become your reality.

        Guilt, Behaviour and Your Beliefs

        It is not what happens to you but the way you think about what happens to you that determines how you feel in the present and in the future. By changing
        your interpretation of a past event, you can change your current feelings.

        Guilt is the result of having a belief about how you should be, and then having your behaviour not match that belief.

        Now the way to get rid of guilt is you've either got to change your belief or change your action. So if I believe that it's not good to be selfish and I'm being
        selfish, I can change my belief and say it's okay to be selfish, or I can change my action and stop being so selfish. But can I change my past actions? No. You
        can't undo the past actions, so if you want to get rid of the guilt, what you have to do is let go of the belief.

        You always do the best you can with the awareness, skills and information you have to meet your needs. You can only do what you're doing. And you only
        did what you did. You couldn't have done anything different. If you could have done it, you would have done it. People say, "Well, I knew better." You
        might have known better, but given the pressure that was on you and the needs you had and the skills you had and the courage you had and the information
        you had, you still couldn't have done anything other than you did. So the key here is to forgive yourself, change your beliefs and let go.

        Liberate your mind and spirit from negative experiences in the past.

                Recognize that whatever you did in the past was done by a different person than the person you are today. That person in the past behaved differently
                than you would if you had to do it over again in the moment. Let it go.

        Accept that you are not perfect and that you have done silly things in your life. So has everyone else. Forgive yourself, and get on with the wonderful future
        that lies ahead of you.
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