Page 80 - The Truth Landscape Format 2020 with next section introductions-compressed
P. 80

Armed with the information of your influential events, work through the appropriate age groups and identify the important selections, decisions and choices
        you made in each band. The challenge of this section is to identify the selections, decisions and choices you made and how they affected living your life
        authentically  :-

            •  Stage 1: 0 to 6 Up to early Childhood
            •  Stage 2: 6 to 12 Up to Junior School Years
            •  Stage 3: 12 to 18 Adolescence
            •  Stage 4: 19 to 40 Young Adulthood
            •  Stage 5: 40 -65 Middle Adulthood
            •  Stage 6: 65 Onward - Late Adulthood

        Look at the choices that had significant impact on your life emotionally, physically, financially, legally, socially and ask yourself the following questions :-

            1.  What was/were the choice(s)?
            2.  Why did you make it/them?
            3.  What did you give up by making this choice?
            4.  What was the effect on your self worth before and after the choice?
            5.  What was the long term effect of the choice on your self worth?
            6.  How or why did the choice clarify or obstruct your authentic self?
            7.  Review your interpretation and reaction to the choice. Was your interpretation accurate or inaccurate?

        Influential People

        Finally, we will look at the people who intentionally or otherwise, well intended or not, have exerted influence over the level of authenticity with which you
        now live your life. List the people who have influenced your life, positively and negatively. Again, consider the age bands:-

            •  Stage 1: 0 to 6 Up to early Childhood
            •  Stage 2: 6 to 12 Up to Junior School Years
            •  Stage 3: 12 to 18 Adolescence
            •  Stage 4: 19 to 40 Young Adulthood
            •  Stage 5: 40 -65 Middle Adulthood
            •  Stage 6: 65 Onward - Late Adulthood

        Who was most influential in your life throughout each band? The same people may have exerted influence across the bands, such as parents, siblings, friends.    Page80
        Who shaped your concept of self and authenticity that controls your life today?
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